Album Track Listing

  1. The Song of the Jolly Roger
  2. The Two Roses
  3. The Pasture
  4. When the Saints go marching in
  5. Bring Him Home (Les Miserables)
  6. Gwahoddiad
  7. Deep Harmony
  8. She
  9. Nirvana
  1. O Sancrum Convivium
  2. Eli Jenkins’ Prayer
  3. Morte Criste
  4. Oh Isis and Osiris
  5. Walking with God
  6. Round the Riverside
  7. Seventy Six Trombones
  8. A Perfect Day
  9. Saint Clement

A Perfect Day

Portadown Male Voice Choir

Raising funds in aid of

25% of all profits of this CD goes to this charity.
Price £10 plus post and packaging. contact